Sunday, June 28, 2015

Don't Forget Your Handbag

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I've been on countless trips and holidays where I've packed the correct clothing, but not enough accessories such as handbags.  It feels horrible to show up at an event or dinner without the correct jewelry or handbag.  I know you fashionables understand.  You spend hours and even days packing and suddenly you reach the destination without having everything you need.  Nothing feels worse than not having what you need to match outfits.  And outfits are most often pulled together with accessories.  You get dressed in the hotel feeling confident and suddenly realize you don't have the handbag you thought you packed.  I can't stress enough how important it is to pack the correct accessories.  It's necessary for work trips as well.  If you have a lot to tote around, you need a larger handbag for all of your work essentials.  This is a good place to note that many of us use a laptop on a daily basis and it also accompanies us on work trips and vacations.  We need a handbag large enough for all of our beloved electronics.

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One notable business trip I completely forgot to pack all accessories.  No jewelry and aside from my carry-on, no handbags.  Now I was incredibly lucky that my carry-on doubled as a nice work bag that week, however I didnt have any other bags for days off or corporate dinner parties.  Yes it is fun to take time off and hit the shops to purchase products you didnt bring, but on this particular trip I didnt have that much free time.  Luckily I found one hour to hit the shops near my hotel.  And I have many beautiful accessories at home.  There was no need to spend money on items I already own.  It was such a silly mistake to forget my handbags.  After this incident, I now make a list before leaving on any sort of business trip or vacation.  Even if its only one night away.  Its wasteful and not smart to think you will always have a chance to go shopping if you forget to pack an item or two.  And not every hotel is located within shopping distance.  Ive stayed in many remote hotels that are out in the middle of nowhere and not a boutique or shopping center in sight.  I was very lucky that on those trips I didnt forget to pack anything.  And you cannot rely on hotel gift shops because many of them only sell magazines and candy.

I cannot stress enough how important it is to make sure and pack handbags for any overnight trips.  You dont want to show up at a dinner party lugging your big work bag.  The same goes for small day trips where you need the appropriate handbag.  Designer handbags have a place in our everyday lives, thus they also belong with us when we travel.  In fact I will go as far as to state that you should pack your accessories, especially handbags first.  That way you have the peace of mind that your bags will all be with you when you reach your final destination.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

What Feels Better Than a Brand New Handbag?

There is something about purchasing a brand new handbag that feels absolutely amazing.  I've been on a buying ban for six months now; especially with handbags. I have a large collection of satchels and bags and there was no room for another. I also cut back spending on clothing, makeup, and generally everything that was not related to food and groceries.  Only if I ran out of something such as deodorant did I make a repurchase. Over the six months I also used up all of my shower gels, body lotions, and exfoliators. No one really needs to collect five shower gels at one time. I used up nearly everything that had collected over the past year. Even if I didn't love the scent of a product as I did the day I bought it, I still used it up. With a buying ban in place, I gradually started to feel more organized. The shelves in my bathroom were no longer clogged with products and it was easier to clean all of the surfaces. When it comes to beauty products, especially, from now on I will only buy a new product when I've run out of its predascor.

When it came to clothing, my self-implemented shopping ban was a bit more difficult. I love browsing the new seasons releases and it was hard not to snap up a skirt or two I adored on my favorite fashion sites. Nearly every day I'd torment myself by looking at fashion and shopping sites so I decided to quit logging on and I only read news sites for a while. I caught up with world news that is way more important than a new pair of shoes. If I started thinking about shopping, then I'd pick up a book and force myself to read a few pages. I'm not sure when it happened, but I'd gotten out of the habit of reading. Probably because I've become so wrapped up in my smartphone and apps such as Instagram. Always being tied to an electronic device is a dangerous path. We get into the habit of constantly checking our phone and updates on social media. I definitely need to learn to take several hours out of the day and put my phone in another room to separate myself from it. I'm sure there are millions of people around the globe who feel the same.
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Designer handbags

It was interesting, after the six month ban lifted, I actually didn't really like shopping as much as I thought. I walked through my favorite department store and though I browsed over many new lovely items, I didn't purchase a thing. I did buy gifts for friends and family, but that was it. If I needed a new beauty product, I still waited until I ran out of something. I no longer bought something unless it was completely gone or it was a household item or food and beverages.

Interestingly enough, I did receive a new handbag as a gift and I absolutely loved it.  In fact, I loved it as much as any bag I'd purchased on my own. Not only was it the perfect gift, but it was one of the best designer handbags of all time. Literally. Who would have thought a six month shopping ban would result in one of the most beautiful handbags that I did not buy for myself. Happy girl. Happy handbag.